Fractional CTO Services
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A fractional CTO provides strategic technology leadership on a part-time basis, focusing on specific projects or technological needs within your organization. Startups often need the expertise of a Chief Technology Officer but might lack the means to hire one on a full-time basis. This is where our service proves invaluable – offering you access to a product-focused seasoned software engineer who will manage your technology strategy, lead implementation, build your technical team and ensure your business remains at the forefront of innovation.
  • Product development: we roll up our sleeves and dig right in to turn business concepts into products that can be rapidly tested against the market.
  • Roadmap prioritization: determine which features have the highest business and user impact with the lowest implementation cost so that the high value functionality is developed first.
  • Leadership and mentorship: support the technology team as a servant leader, empower the business team and offer guidance and coaching to foster a collaborative environment.
  • Hiring: build a great technical team that are passionate about building the right thing while checking egos at the door.
  • Culture of innovation: implement Agile processes like daily scrums, sprint demos, planning and retrospectives so that the team demonstrates value early and often and adapts quickly to business needs.
  • Managing IT operations: oversee the day-to-day information technology operations, ensuring teams, technology and systems run smoothly and efficiently.
Early Stage Software Development
A picture of a security lock suggestive of cybersecurity
Bring your ideas to life through the development of early stage products. Test your ideas in the market and adapt to customer feedback and pain points quickly. Attract early adopters and gather invaluable feedback for further iterations. Transform your ideas into web applications that help validate your thinking.
  • Proof of Concepts enable ideas to be rapidly tested with users and ensure that technology integrations are well understood before they are integrated into the product.
  • Minimal Viable Product (MVP) build apps quickly so that a product concept can start to make a foothold with consumers and businesses.
  • User Experience (UX) Design work with top technical design talent to create visual prototypes so that ideas can be discussed before any code needs to be written.
  • API development - Develop cloud-based RESTful and GraphQL services to support clients or your mobile and web applications.
  • Market Fit Exploration - Explore and confirm product-market fit, adjusting the product direction based on real-world use and feedback.
Secure Code Review
Cybercrime is forecast to cost the global economy $10.5 trillion by 2025 and is up by 75% year-over-year¹⁻². While all businesses are impacted, small and medium businesses are hit especially hard with cyber crime impacting roughly 50% of those organizations³. While financial costs can be recouped, the impact to your organization's reputation can be irreparable.

Our security audits help ensure that industry best practices are followed with regards to encryption, authentication, authorization, architecture, cloud services, databases and firewall configuration. We can perform an automated and manual assessments to assist in keeping your personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI) data safe.

A picture of a security lock suggestive of cybersecurity
  • High-level security guidance: High-level guidance on where things can go wrong with security (like authentication, authorization, cloud configuration and common types of security threats).
  • Static code analysis: perform an automated analysis of data flows to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.
  • Third party tools audit: find critical security issues with packaged dependencies from open source tools with recommendations on how to fix them.
  • Detailed code evaluation: a cold eye review of source code to ensure security best practices are being followed.
  • Architectural review: Review project and cloud configurations for security issues to ensure that encryption is properly implemented, information is not accidentally leaked and that secrets are being managed properly.

Have you outsourced a project overseas and want a cold eye review? We recently audited an outsourced project and uncovered several security issues. Most critical of which was not using encryption between a mobile app and their back-end services. This put user data at risk by potentially exposing it to third parties as data moves across the internet. In addition, we found two issues where authentication and authorization was not implemented correctly giving anyone on the internet access user data. Other issues were present like insecure cloud configurations and checking in sensitive data in code repositories. If exploited, these vulnerabilities can tarnish a company’s reputation and lead to financial and legal repercussions.


  1. 1. High-Profile Company Data Breaches (link)
  2. 2. Crowdstrike Global Threat Report (link)
  3. 3. 35 Alarming Small Business Cybersecurity Statistics for 2024 (link)

HabitBetter app suite


HabitBetter is a comprehensive app designed to streamline therapy and coaching practices while accelerating clients' transformative growth. It offers a range of features including customized plans, HIPAA-compliant communication, progress tracking, provider resources, notes templates, scheduling, and billing. With an integrated mobile app, clients can access coping skills and exercises easily. The app emphasizes journaling as a keystone habit for success, offering daily prompts and courses alongside community support and accountability. Founded by a brother-sister duo, HabitBetter aims to help users achieve habitual happiness by taking control of their lives, achieving goals, preventing burnout, and improving health and relationships.
Web App

Instant Ink Subscription Service


The inconvenience of running out of printer ink, often at the most inopportune moments, coupled with the high cost of replacements, is highly frustrating. HP's Instant Ink service addresses this issue by remotely monitoring ink levels and mailing a new cartridge before it is needed. This service operates on an inexpensive, fixed monthly subscription based on printing volume (about the cost of a cup of coffee). My contributions were pivotal in expanding the service's customer base by more than 50x, growing from 30,000 to over 1 million users.

SystemVision Cloud


The SystemVision Cloud Simulator is a comprehensive tool that provides full support for graphical modeling, enabling users to design and analyze electrical circuits in a manner that is both intuitive and user-friendly. It facilitates model entry through a library-based component selection process, allowing for seamless integration and connection of components. Users are empowered to construct, simulate and refine their schematics within a virtual cloud-based environment, eliminating the need for manual mathematical input.
Web App

Target Audience Sentiment Analysis

Story Effect

Leveraging story science theory to generate quantitative and qualitative insights to business leaders who are trying to craft the most effective messaging. This AI / LLM enabled tech helps to ensure that communications are understood by and have the desired effect for a given target audience. Use the results to identify where the actual version of a story pulls away from what is intended and how to improve what is conveyed.
Web App
Data Science

Real time video feeds

Gilman Construction Media

Magnify the productivity of your team by sharing real-time access to your projects from start to finish using our camera-based services. Manage risk and reduce liability by having access to pre-construction and post-construction documentation. Stay connected to everything happening on your job sites helps you to focus on the strategic aspects of your job. Watch 4K camera feeds live or look back at historical timelapse video.
Web App

Fulfilment center scheduler


This app helps keep Amazon fulfilment centers on track with trucks scheduling throughout the week. Each day, trucks need to queue, start and stop loading on a rigid time table. At a certain point, the trucks are late which impacts other delivery trucks in the warehouse. This app is unique in that it is a React web app that runs on a Samsung TV.
Web App

Health Pass

Cambia Health Solutions

Health Pass resolves common challenges associated with the payment of medical bills. It simplifies the process by consolidating payments across multiple platforms into a single mobile application. The solution offers personalized insights, empowering users with strategies to economize and identify discrepancies such as overcharging and double billing. Furthermore, it proactively informs users of pending medical bills before they hear from healthcare providers. This approach ensured that users could pay with confidence.

Cloud data pipeline migration

Regence (Blue Cross / Blue Shield)

For an extended period, insurance companies have traditionally hosted their workloads on on-premise servers. My role involved facilitating the transition of these legacy workloads to cloud-based environments, specifically focusing on the development of services to support the processing of Explanation of Benefits notices (think of the 'this is not a bill' statements received via mail). This task entailed the construction of several data processing pipelines and services utilizing Amazon Web Services.

Renewables B2B Marketplace


VECKTA accelerates and simplifies the deployment of onsite energy solutions. VECKTA empowers businesses to competitively deploy onsite energy solutions across their operations to access affordable, secure and clean energy. In one integrated Platform, business leaders have access to actionable insights and a vibrant marketplace of vetted providers to confidently plan, assess, deploy and monitor their energy transition strategy with maximum efficiency.
Web App
Data Science

Yonder MVP

Cloud Club Collective

Yonder is designed to be a super-intelligent AI Creative Companion optimized to guide people in coming up with ideas that soar past the bounds of human imagination. It is available 24/7 to anyone around the globe.

The Cloud Club Collective is a multidisciplinary team of educators, artists, engineers, therapists, scientists, and business professionals who create transdisciplinary products and techniques which transform research from the learning and cognitive sciences into practical tools for educators and creative professionals.
Web App
Who is Marcus Aurelius?
Marcus AurelisAurelius Solutions is named after Marcus Aurelius, one of the most respected emperors of Roman history. He is best remembered today for his contributions to Stoic philosophy, captured in his personal writings known as 'Meditations'. Born in 121 AD, Aurelius ruled the Roman Empire from 161 to 180 AD, a period marked by military conflict and internal turmoil. Despite the challenges of his reign, he remained a paragon of virtue, justice and reason, embodying the principles of Stoicism in both his leadership and his personal conduct. His 'Meditations' provide a unique window into the mind of a ruler who sought wisdom and moral clarity above all, offering insights that remain profoundly relevant in the modern world.

Stoic philosophy, which emphasizes virtue, reason and self-control as the path to achieving true happiness, profoundly influenced Aurelius' thoughts and actions. Stoics believe that while we cannot control external events, we can control our perceptions and reactions, thereby attaining peace of mind and resilience in the face of adversity. Marcus Aurelius' writings reflect this philosophy, focusing on themes of impermanence, the importance of living according to nature and the interconnectedness of all things. His reflections encourage individuals to focus on their own virtue and wisdom, finding tranquility within themselves rather than through external possessions or acclaim. Aurelius' Stoicism, with its emphasis on ethical living, personal accountability and mental fortitude, continues to inspire individuals seeking a life of purpose and integrity.
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